
Tuesday May 02, 2023
E219 - Dr. Donna Stoneham - Catch Me When I Fall
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Dr. Donna Stoneham is the author of The Thriver’s Edge: Seven Keys to Transform the Way You Live, Love, and Lead (SWP, 2015), and a contributor to the anthology, Art in the Time of Unbearable Crisis: Women Writer’s Respond to the Call (SWP, 2022), and the new book Catch Me When I Fall: Poems of Mother Loss and Healing (being released May 9, 2023). Additionally, over the span of her thirty-year career in leadership development, she has coached hundreds of leaders, teams, and executives, guiding them to live more fulfilling, authentic lives while expressing their gifts in the world. She has also worked for twelve years part-time as a chaplain and a hospice chaplain, providing spiritual and end-of-life care in nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. You can find more about Donna at https://donnastoneham.com/
In this episode we talk about her near-death experience after a suicide attempt at age 15, her relationship with her mother before and after her death, her new book, coping with her grief, honouring her mother on Mother’s Day, and dreams of her deceased mother.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Friday Mar 31, 2023
E218 - Fiona Tinwei Lam - The Rainbow Rocket
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Fiona Tinwei Lam has authored three poetry collections and a children's book. She has produced several award-winning poetry videos that have screened at festivals all over the world. Besides editing the anthology, The Bright Well: Contemporary Canadian Poems on Facing Cancer, she has co-edited two nonfiction anthologies. She has been shortlisted for the City of Vancouver Book Award and thrice selected for BC’s Poetry in Transit. Her work appears in over 40 anthologies, including the Best Canadian Poetry series. A former lawyer, she has an MFA in creative writing from UBC. She currently teaches at SFU's Continuing Studies and has been appointed Vancouver’s Poet Laureate for 2022-2024, which serves as a champion for poetry, language, and the arts. You can find more about her at www.fionalam.net
In the episode we talk with Fiona about the death of her father as a child, her mother having dementia, coping with the death of her mother and father, her child’s grief after her mother died, her children's book “The Rainbow Rocket”, Ching Ming Day, and a dream of her deceased father.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Sunday Feb 26, 2023
E217 - Suzanne Falter - Free Spirited - Guest Update
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Suzanne Falter is a writer, podcaster and essayist whose work has been featured in SELF, O, More, Tiny Buddha and The New York Times. She’s the author of multiple self-help titles including The Extremely Busy Woman’s Guide to Self-Care (Sourcebooks). She is the host of The Self-Care for Extremely Busy Women podcast, and has been heard widely on podcasts and radio. You can find more about Suzanne at www.suzannefalter.com
In this guest update episode, we talk with Suzanne about the death of her daughter, learning about self-care, her new book ‘Free Spirited’, the unified field of love, and new dreams of her deceased daughter.
You can listen to Suzanne’s first episode (episode 141) on our podcast here - https://www.griefdreams.ca/podcast/141 and her friend’s (Debi) podcast episode here - https://www.griefdreams.ca/podcast/142
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Sunday Jan 29, 2023
E216 - Dr. Kathy Belicki - A Love of Dreams
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Dr. Kathy Belicki is a Professor Emerita of Psychology at Brock University. She trained originally as a clinical psychologist, but soon found out that teaching and conducting research brought her the most joy. For much of her career she studied dreams looking at such questions as differences in dream recall, the causes and treatment of nightmares, the relation of personality to dreaming, and, at the end of her research career, the nature of dreams of the deceased. At various times she also studied forgiveness, and the impact of childhood trauma and abuse on one’s emotional well-being and physical health as an adult. At present she has just completed writing a memoir about her experiences in the Memory Wars of the 1990s—a period of intense conflict over what to make of recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse.
You can find more about Kathy at https://brocku.ca/social-sciences/psychology/people/kathryn-belicki/
In this episode we talk about her early research on nightmares, how dreams lack volume control, researching dreams of the deceased, bereavement experiences while awake, and dreams of her deceased cats and grandmother.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Monday Jan 02, 2023
E215 - 2022 Grief Dream Recaps
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
In this episode we recap some of the dream conversations we had with guests in 2022.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
E214 - Rebecca Soffer – Grieving Through the Holidays
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Rebecca Soffer, co-founder of the Modern Loss Community, started becoming an expert in grief the moment she learned that her mother Shelby was killed in a car crash. Her expertise expanded when four years later, her father Ray died of a heart attack while traveling. As a single woman in her early thirties, Rebecca needed to talk about her grief, and she really needed to hear others talk about theirs. It was this longing for an ongoing conversation that led her, along with co-founder Gabi Birkner, to start the Modern Loss Community. Nine years later, Rebecca just published her second book - The Modern Loss Handbook: An Interactive Guide to Moving Through Grief and Building Your Resilience. It's the kind of book that many people are looking for in their grief - filled with prompts for writing, drawing, and movement practices to help people stay connected to themselves, their people who died, and the world around them.
You can find more about Rebecca and Modern Loss at modernloss.com
In this episode we talk about her new book, grief dreams after her mother, father, and grandmother died, and tips for grievers and those supporting a person who is grieving over the holidays.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Friday Nov 25, 2022
E213 - Addison Brasil - Joining the Grief Club
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Addison Brasil is a speaker and the Author of the book First Year of Grief Club: A Gift From A Friend Who Gets It. He shows up in the world as an active and committed mental health advocate after finding himself Just to the Left of Death three times during his twenties. Losing his brother to an inoperable brain tumor, finding his father after suicide, and surviving a fatal accident that killed a dear friend and left him relearning to walk. Attributing his ability to not only survive but thrive with PTSD and compounded grief to the value of community and connection. You can find more about Addison at mygriefclub.com
In this episode we talk about his three major losses when he was in his 20’s, the importance of honesty in grief, living in the grey space, bringing humor back into his life, his new podcast, and grief dreams of his brother, father, and friend.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Saturday Oct 29, 2022
E212 - Parvati Markus - Whisper in the Heart
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Saturday Oct 29, 2022
Parvati Markus is the author of Whisper in the Heart: The Ongoing Presence of Neem Karoli Baba (Mandala, released this year 2022) and Love Everyone: The Transcendent Wisdom of Neem Karoli Baba Told Through the Stories of the Westerners Whose Lives He Transformed (HarperOne, 2015). With Radha Baum, she is the co-author of a children’s book, Isabella Castaspella: The Happy Little Witch and Her Friends (SitaRam Press, 2022). Parvati has been “midwifing” spiritually-oriented nonfiction books and memoirs as a developmental editor/writer since her first efforts with Ram Dass’s classic Be Here Now. She has also helped with spiritual organizations (as past president of the board of the Neem Karoli Baba Ashram and Hanuman Temple in Taos, NM), and events (as a development consultant for the Global Peace Initiative of Women.) She is on the Advisory Board of the Love Serve Remember Foundation. You can find more about her at parvatimarkus.com
In this episode we talk about how she first met Neem Karoli Baba, her grief when he died, the power of stories (sharing and hearing) in processing grief, her new book Whisper in the Heart that shares stories on the ongoing presence of Neem Karoli Baba through grief dreams and other experiences, and the hosts grief dreams of him.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Saturday Oct 15, 2022
E211 - Dr. Raymond Moody - Near-Death Experiences
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Saturday Oct 15, 2022
Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D. is a world-renowned author, lecturer, and psychiatrist whose seminal work, Life After Life, changed the way we view death and dying. He is widely acknowledged as the world’s leading expert on near-death experiences. Visit Dr. Moody online at www.lifeafterlife.com
In this episode we talk about his research on near-death experiences (NDEs), similarities of NDEs to grief dreams and end-of-life dreams and visions, his grief after the death of his mom and friends, taking on the characteristics of his deceased friend, and his grief dreams of his grandmother and friend.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
E210 - Update with Joshua and Jade
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
In this episode we talk about our rebrand, changes to the team, Joshua moving to British Columbia, and our excitement to begin interviewing guests again.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
Looking for ways to support the podcast?
You can help support the Grief Dreams Podcast in a few ways:
1) Become a Patreon supporter (monthly financial support)
2) Buy us a Coffee (one-time financial support)
3) Subscribe to the podcast (on the platform you listen) and give a review. This improves our online visibility.
4) Support the topic by sharing the podcast or website. We appreciate any support that contributes to raising awareness on the topic.

Saturday Jan 22, 2022
E209 - 2021 Grief Dream Recaps - Part 2
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
In this episode (Part 2), we recap some of the dream conversations we had with guests in 2021.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca - where you can find links to the podcast.
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Clubhouse - @Griefdreams (Note: we have 2 clubs you can join - Grief Dreams and Grief Café)
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
To support the podcast on Pateron visit https://www.patreon.com/griefdreamspodcast

Saturday Jan 15, 2022
E208 - 2021 Grief Dream Recaps - Part 1
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
In this episode (Part 1), we recap some of the dream conversations we had with guests in 2021.
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca - where you can find links to the podcast.
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Clubhouse - @Griefdreams (Note: we have 2 clubs you can join - Grief Dreams and Grief Café)
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
To support the podcast on Pateron visit https://www.patreon.com/griefdreamspodcast

Saturday Dec 18, 2021
E207 - Jenn K. Lee - Grieving in Dreams
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Jenn K. Lee is a writer and mixed media artist who lives in Hawaii with her husband and two children. Her book, Grieving in Dreams: Finding Peace After Losing My Sister, explores how her first year of dreaming about her late sister, who passed away in 2019, helped her process her grief and guided her toward a path that ultimately led to peace.
In this episode we talk about her relationship with her sister, her sister’s journey with cancer, the many grief dreams of her sister, and writing her new book.
You can find more about Jenn on Instagram @grievingindreams
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca - where you can find links to the podcast.
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Clubhouse - @Griefdreams (Note: we have 2 clubs you can join - Grief Dreams and Grief Café)
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
To support the podcast on Pateron visit https://www.patreon.com/griefdreamspodcast

Sunday Dec 12, 2021
E206 - Dr. Karen Wyatt - These Roads Can Be Tricky Sometimes
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Dr. Karen Wyatt is the bestselling author of the book 7 Lessons for Living from the Dying, which contains stories of patients she cared for as a hospice doctor and the spiritual lessons she learned from them at the end of their lives. Dr. Wyatt also hosts End-of-Life University Podcast, which features conversations with experts who work in all aspects of end-of-life care. She is widely regarded as a thought-leader in the effort to transform the way we care for our dying in the U.S. In addition, she is valued for her application of spiritual principles to illness and healthcare.
In this episode we talk about her podcast, working as a hospice doctor, the death of her father by suicide, difficulties processing the death, and grief dreams of her father.
You can find more about Karen at www.eoluniversity.com and on Instagram @kwyattmd
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca - where you can find links to the podcast.
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Clubhouse - @Griefdreams (Note: we have 2 clubs you can join - Grief Dreams and Grief Café)
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
To support the podcast on Pateron visit https://www.patreon.com/griefdreamspodcast

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
E205 - Zachary Steele - The Weight of Ashes
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Zachary Steele is the Broadleaf Writers Association Founder & Executive Director, and has been featured by NPR, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Publishers Weekly, Baby Got Books, Shelf Awareness, Writer Magazine and was nominated for the Sidewise Award for Alternate Fiction. His recent novel, The Weight of Ashes is his third novel.
In this episode we talk about getting started being a writer, grief in fictional stories, his new novel “The Weight of Ashes”, how writing facilitated processing his own grief, the death of his best friend as a child, working through the anger over his friend's suicide, and the death and grief dreams of his cat.
You can find more about Zachary at http://zacharysteele.com/
You can find more about Grief Dreams here:
Our website – www.griefdreams.ca - where you can find links to the podcast.
Instagram and Twitter - @Griefdreams
Clubhouse - @Griefdreams (Note: we have 2 clubs you can join - Grief Dreams and Grief Café)
Facebook – Grief Dreams Podcast Page and Grief Dreams Group
To support the podcast on Pateron visit https://www.patreon.com/griefdreamspodcast